Monday, August 16, 2010


      On 9th of August 2010, our lecturer Miss S ask all of us to do forum as for speaking exercise for the exams. We are divided into 7 groups. I each groups consist around 15-20 members. So, each of the group are ask to select 8 members which can speak fluently to perforn the forum. 1 MC also must be selected from each group. All the groups need to apply their creativity in order to perform the best forum. Before the forum started representative from each group need to vote the topic that need to be discuss. Our group topic is regarding the reality shows. We need to do forum to discuss about the advantages and disadvatages of watching reality shows programs. We are given about 20 minutes to perform the forum.

    This is our first experience of conducting the forum. Eventhough the first moment we felt quite difficult but finally we are manage to complete the forum successfully.    

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