I Am A Student Nurse
Submitted by Boyd Williams
I am a student nurse
I promise to be brave
I graduate in July
I am a student nurse
I will not show them I am afraid
I will pretend that I have done this a million times or more
So my patients will feel at ease when I am on the floor
I am a student nurse
I promise to be brave
I graduate in July
The Nurse
Submitted by Frank Paylor of Sudbury, Ontario, Canada
When you are feeling sick, or worse,
thank your dear Maker for your nurse
Whose tender care and ministrations
are worth sincere congratulations.
The shattered limb, the fevered brow
are much the same to her somehow.
There is a need, a chance to heal,
to ease the pain that you might feel.
Through all those precious smiles
and words of comfort, as she tends
With all her sharpened skills and guiles
without complaint, she mends.
Then there comes the day
when you are sent upon your way
-- and you discover, in the end,
that you have had a pleasant visit
with a very special friend.
I'm Sorry In Advance
By Linda Leeson - Licensed Practical Nurse Vernon Jubilee Hospital Vernon. B.C. Canada
Your beds not made today
But I have a patient here
Whose chest pain
won’t go away
I’m sorry in advance
You’re not happy with your meal
Dietary does try hard sir,
To give it some appeal
I’m sorry in advance
Your morning pills are late
I’ve a patient climbing out of bed
That I must try to sedate
I’m sorry in advance
Your mattress isn’t soft
We do need some new beds ma’am
But these things do cost a lot.
I’m sorry in advance
I didn’t get to comb your mothers hair
I’ve a patient with emphysema
She’s scared, she can’t get air
I’m sorry in advance
Your fathers still in pain
I’m trying to reach his doctor
I’ll have to try again
I’m sorry in advance
Your dressings aren’t yet done
But a patient has just passed away,
I offered solace to his son,
I’m sorry in advance
I’m not cheery as a bird
I’ve worked 12 hours, my feet ache
I asked for help,
but no one heard
I’m sorry in advance
I’ve only two hands and two feet
I’m trying to care for you, patient
Your needs, I want to meet
My 12 hours now are 16,
No replacement could be found
My aching feet they cry out
My head begins to pound
I’m sorry in advance
I cannot meet your gaze
My eyes are filled with tears
Your face is just a haze
If I could sit down for a minute
And maybe grab a bite
Phone my kids to say I love them
And I’ll be late again tonight
I’m sorry in advance
I didn’t do all that must be done
If I worked any faster
I’d soon begin to run
When I do get to hold your hand
Or wipe your furrowed brow
Please understand, dear patient
I care for you and how
I see your pain,
I sense your fear
Your anger in a glance,
Our health care service
is failing you
I’m sorry in advance.
Place Your Healing Touch In My Hands
Unknown Author
Help me as I care
for my patients today,
Be there with me,
O Lord, I pray
Make my words kind
--it means so much--
And in my hands place
Your healing touch
Let your love shine
through all that I do,
So those in need
may hear and feel You.
By Kim Jordan RN
I have nine patients, you are but one
I will walk five miles before I am done
Tiptoeing in and out of the rooms
Darkened and quiet like silent tombs
I try not to wake you, for there is no time
When trying to divide eight hours by nine.
It is my duty
Dawn Butler, RN
I walk through those doors with pride,
Who's life will i save tonight?
Someone is waiting for me,
Someone is alive today because of my duty.
Sometimes we cry cause we can't save them all,
God sometimes won't let us interfere when he calls.
A baby's first breath when he looks at me,
The joy of my first delivery.
The tear i wipe a way with my own hands,
The life ending of a gentle old man.
The night seems so dark and the morning so bright.
Being a nurse you see life in a different light.
Who will i save tonight?
Who will hold my hand during their last breath with no fright?
Who will enter this world on my shift?
How many mothers will greet their babies with a kiss?
I don't know who these special people are
but i will meet them with every call
I will hold them tight and help the pain
I will hold them up when they feel faint.
I will be strong when i am needed
That is my job, I am a nurse..that is my duty.
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